This summer would've marked a year of our friendship, and what a year it was. From when we first met, planning for a retreat, to when we last spoke, planning for a campaign. Our friendship was a weird one, because in such a short time I went from being insanely happy hanging out with you to being horribly depressed from just hearing your name.
It was less than a year, but it felt so much longer.
Some of the happiest moments of my freshman year were with you. Whether it was a game day or date party, you took a nervous, introverted freshman and gave him a shot at the ultimate college experience.
Last fall wasn't particularly good for you. You lost many people, many relationships. I tried to be there.
I have this one memory of us that I will never forget. It was midterm week, and I was studying for my Comparative Politics exam. You called. You were at a frat party, but with no way to get home. I remember my car-less freshman self taking the bus to help you out. I remember the ride back to the dorm. I don't know if you remember that night, and I doubt I will ever know.
In the Spring, it was I that needed you, but you left. I instinctively got mad. Words were exchanged, words that will never be forgotten. You then ignored me for three months.
After that, there was no going back to before. I texted, and texted, and texted. I apologized, over and over again. No reply.
Right when I started to move on, you returned. We pretended to have a friendship over the phone, but I never forgot. You wouldn't apologize, you believed that you were not at fault, not one bit. Pride comes at a cost, and that cost was us. I hope you can live with that decision.
But guess what, I'll proudly admit something: I'm glad that we were friends, because it taught me so much. I learned that I wasn't being the best person that I could've been, and now I'm able to improve my current friendships because of you.
So I'm not going to force myself to forget you, but I can't have you texting me out of nowhere three months from now. This chapter has ended, and it's better that way.
While it's somewhat vulnerable to put my feelings about all of this out in the open, I think it needed to be done. Our friendship is worth at least an article. I don't know if you will ever read this, but this isn't to shame you, and this isn't to hurt you. This is to honor you, because you have given me the greatest gift of all:
A new beginning.
"But it's just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
Cause I'm Mr. Brightside"
I hope you have a great semester, a great year, a great life. I'll be praying for you. For the final time, thank you for everything.