To the friends that stuck around after graduation.
Thanks for not leaving me behind when we graduated. They say only your true friends stick around after high school and I believe that because I have you.You guys have stuck with me through the good times and the bad.You’ve listened to me rant, and given me a shoulder to cry on when I needed it. I honestly cannot thank you enough for sticking by my side. I honestly don’t know what I would do without you guys.We’ve learned and kept each other’s deepest secrets.
College is rough and is not all sunshine and rainbows. It’s like what almost every college student says, “It’s not college unless you contemplating dropping out every day.” It’s pretty much a constant struggle, but you guys make it ten times easier. You support me, help me study, and make me laugh. We all go to different schools, and we still make sure that we talk every day. Just by doing that college becomes a little bit more bearable.
No matter when the time of day or night, I know I can count on you to help me out. Whether it’s just gossip or I need a shoulder to cry on, I know that you’ll always cheer me and show me the good that comes out of the bad. If I’m stressed I know you show me how to calm down and get back on track. I know if I need to rant about something and get something off my chest I know you’ll give me your ear. Sometimes if I just need to tell you something funny, I know you’ll laugh even if it’s stupid.
It’s nice to have someone that puts up with my weirdness, and doesn’t judge me for being me. It’s so nice that all of you have shown me how to be okay with being me. You have taught me to love myself and showed me how before I can love someone I must learn to love myself. You make me feel beautiful when I don’t see it.
Thank you for being honest. Sometimes I need someone to just tell me the truth no matter how much it might upset. I need to hear it, and hearing it from you makes me actually listen to it. You give me the best advice.Whether I need advice with sports or school, I know you’ll always have the right answer.
You have become my family. You can walk into my house and my parents wouldn’t even think twice. You are like my sisters. We must approve of each other’s boyfriends, and we have probably given some type of hand-me-down sometime before. We fight like sisters, then laugh about it after it happens. We share everything, whether if its clothes, food, or hair ties.
We’ve made so many memories over the years. We’ve spent summer nights around a fire. We’ve spent nights on a couch watching movies. We’ve cried, laughed, and gossiped to each other. In the future I hope to make more memories with you as we go on crazy adventures!
Just to let you know, I will do all this for you as well. I’m always here for you no matter the time of day. I’ll be here to make you laugh, give you a shoulder to cry on, or just listen to you rant. I’ll answer your facetime calls at 1 am just to cheer you up if you need it. Thanks for being you and being there for me.