Transferring isn’t easy. Especially when you’re transferring to a school that you don’t know anyone and don’t know anything about the school. It can be hard, especially if you’re like me who has social anxiety and also have resting bitch face. This is article goes out to the few people I met when I transferred…
Thank you for being the first ones I met and for sticking with me.
Thank you guys for showing me the ropes of the school.
Thank you for sticking with me when I had such horrible questions.
Thank you for be-friending me within the first week.
Thank you for keeping me as a friend and not just being the awkward just classroom friends.
Thank you for making me feel welcome in a situation where I was uncomfortable.
Thank you for dealing with me during the rough times aka finals.
Thank you for sticking through all my crazy times.
Thank you for staying up until 2 a.m. to finish projects
Thank you for quickly becoming some of my best friends
To anyone looking to transfer, don’t be afraid. There are people out there that will make you feel welcome. They will quickly become some of your greatest friends. They will make you feel better about your decision to transfer because that can be a scary transition.
Some of my greatest friends I found when I transferred to my school now. So don’t be afraid to transfer because it can be one of the greatest decisions in your life.
Again, thank you to those friends who made my transition into a new school so smooth and became friends that will last a lifetime.