To The Friends I Have Made in College,
Remember when we first met as freshmen? We were so scared and nervous, back then I could not have even imagined what we would become. I could not have known that our small, awkward conversation would blossom into such a beautiful and unique friendship. I cannot even believe that there was a point in my life that I didn’t know your favorite songs, your go to drunk food, and all your secret crushes. I did not know everything that makes you, you. Basically, I can’t believe there was a point in my life where I did not know you because you are such a huge part of it now. You are such a vital part of my life now. It is as natural to be around you as it is my family. You have become my family. I feel it is fitting to say thank you for everything, so here it is every thank you (that I can think of, and many more). I hope you know how much you mean to me in this crazy life.
1. Thank you for introducing me to Gangster rap.
2. Thank you for not laughing too hard when I try to dance to above Gangster Rap.
3. Thank you for empowering me in every sense of the word.
4. Thank you for constantly bringing me up.
5. Thank you for showering me with compliments.
6. Thank you for dealing with the ups and downs of college with me.
7. Thank you for telling me to get over the guy.
8. Thank you for supporting me when I occasionally relapse and go back to the guy.
9. Thank you for taking the time to learn what kind of person I am and how to deal with me.
10. Thank you for the patience.
11. Thank you for always making the best of any situation.
12. Thank you for late nights that sometimes are blurry.
13. Thank you for early mornings the next day as we struggle to get to class.
14. Thank you for the coffee you got me that time I really needed it.
15. Thank you for making your closet, my closet too.
16. Thank you for sitting together through all the hours of studying.
17. Thank you for proving time and time again that you always have my back.
18. Thank you for paying for the Uber.
19. Thank you for supporting me in anything new I try.
20. Thank you for believing in my craziest dreams, even when I do not.
21. Thank you for taking care of me when I am sick.
22. Thank you for dealing with all the annoying things that come with being with someone 24/7.
23. Thank you for sending the text just to check up on me.
24. Thank you for every laugh.
25. Thank you for laughing often.
26. Thank you for being a valuable member of our Squad.
27. Thank you for never letting me feel alone.
28. Thank you for making our college seem like home and for making me feel I like I am exactly where I am supposed to be, right next to you.
29. Thank you for all the happiness you have brought me and continue to bring me, I can only hope that I have made every moment worth it for you too.
Love always,
Your friend you made in college