To All My Girls:
At the risk of sounding cheesy, you deserve better than him. "Him" refers to the string of boys that have been mistreating you since you grew boobs in sixth grade. Ever since then, I've been telling you how much you deserve and to never settle.
You deserve a man who will hold the door open for you, who will let you ugly cry on his shoulder, who will be honest with you even if it hurts. He will tell you how amazing you are and support you always. You deserve someone who won't complete you but compliment your personality. You deserve someone who wants to make you a better version of yourself rather than try to change who you are.
I've seen men lie to you in ways that made you happy. It sounds stupid I know; he lied when he said he loved you, but you believed it with a smile on your face. He lied when he said you're the only girl he's with, but it made you happy to think you're his girl. You are better than to let him walk all over you. Being loved and cherished is not something you should not have to fight for.
You offer so much, and I can't tell you how much you mean to me. You are strong and beautiful. To quote "The Help": "You is kind, you is smart, you is important." So, please do not let any man make you feel less than such. You are everything to me, so don't settle for a man that makes you less than his everything too.
A friend who just wants the best