To the friend who broke my heart,
One day we were inseparable, the next it was like we never knew each other.
You broke my heart.
I had always thought friends were there to put your heart back together, not shatter it. How could someone who once meant so much to me be so cruel? How could someone, who I once called my best friend, gossip and turn her back on me within a day?
These questions haunted me for months on end. I have now recovered and learned to both stand on my own and accept that friendships end. I still don’t know the answer to those questions, but because of your betrayal, I want to thank you. Not for turning on me, or making me feel horrible about myself, but for giving me the opportunity to learn to stand on my own, and that self-worth and love do not depend on others.
Thank you for showing me what a true friend looks like, which is nothing like you. I now appreciate the people who stand by me through it all. Especially the ones who haven’t broken my trust, and only lift me up, not tear me down. Thank you for being such an awful friend, for it is because of you that I know how to treat others and be a good friend.
Thank you for being a horrible friend. Because of this, I am so much better off.