Welp, you were my best friend. Emphasis on were.
I've had really close friends in the past, but something about you I liked a lot. You always made me laugh, we became close faster than usual - our personalities just matched up almost seamlessly.
It was awesome. So awesome, in fact, that I started to let my guard down again and I began to trust you. I thought I knew you so well and I thought you valued me as much as I valued you.
I soon realized that wasn't true.
After months of us being friends and laughing about the fact that you were single - it didn't seem to bother you - you started talking to someone. It really made you happy because you had genuine feelings for them, and I was so happy for you and supportive.
Then it started going downhill.
They were always around, you started cancelling plans, until finally I barely saw or talked to you. When I would bring it up, you'd get touchy with me until eventually I tested out just leaving you alone.
That was the test that brought months without you.
You still liked all my stuff on social media, I still saw all the pictures and posts with your significant other - you know, in places EXTREMELY close to where I was, making it beyond easy for you to make plans.
I talked to our mutual friends and they explained similar experiences, to no surprise.
Then, a couple months later, I assume you and your significant other had hit a rough patch and you reached out, hitting me with those, "I miss you, I want to see you," texts.
Here's why I didn't respond to them:
In that time you were gone, I got a glimpse into who you really are deep down. You're someone who doesn't value friendships as much as I do, and that's not a character trait I'm compatible with. I don't expect you to put me first for the rest of eternity, but I didn't expect you to just drop me as soon as you found someone new to focus on.
I'm not hurt, seriously I'm not. It's happened before and it'll happen again. I just expected more from you. In this time frame, you've shown your true character that's so common and shallow that I don't want anything to do with it.
I thought you were different, as cliche as that sounds. I thought we'd be great friends for a long time. Now I don't even see us hanging out again.
I'm not mad at you. I'm a little bitter, but I mean who wouldn't be? I'm just disappointed. I tend to put so much faith in those that I surround myself with that when they turn out like you, it lets me down more than anything. That's all - I'm just let down.
I hope you're happy, though. I don't plan on being anything more than a like on your Instagram picture or a status in your news feed, but I hope you're happy. It sucks that I can't be there for your big life milestones like we had talked about, but I'll silently be happy for you on the sidelines.
I just want you to know that I'm over it, and I'm over you.