Death is hard. No matter who it is, how close you were to the deceased, or how sudden or expected their death was, it is hard. If you've never experienced the loss of someone close, I pray for you, because when it happens, it is life altering. It always seems that the loved ones who are taken away from us were never ready. They had so much left to do or see, at least, that's how we view it. God's timing is perfect, and even though we don't feel like we were ready to loose the most important people in our lives, God knows exactly what He is doing.
As I grow up, it becomes hard for me to realize that my grandparents, great aunts, and great uncles didn't make it to see my High School Graduation. They won't see me graduate college, or get married, and that's a very hard pill to swallow. I would give anything to have my "Mamaw Doodles" sitting front row at my wedding ceremony or be able to see my "Uncle T" give my kids McDonald's Christmas coupons like he did my brother and I. However, as hard as it is to accept, they aren't going to be there.
I do, however, take comfort in my belief that even though I won't see them, I know that my family is going to be up in heaven, cheering me on. All of the ceremonies and achievements that I wish I could share with them, will still be shared. Even though I won't have my Mamaw Doodles and Papaw Ernie out on the floor with me for senior night, I know that they'll both be standing with me. I may never been able to introduce my children to my Aunt Nena or Uncle T on this earth, but one day, when we all get to be in heaven together, I know that my kids are going to adore them, the same way that I did.
So if you haven't experienced the loss of a loved one yet, consider yourself lucky, but if you have, take comfort in the fact that they're in heaven, cheering you on. My heart goes out to the girls who don't have their dads to walk them down the aisle, or their moms to call whenever they feel scared. Remember though, our lost loved ones are just a prayer away. In my loneliest times, I say a quick prayer and I instantly feel comforted. It's hard, and the hurt never completely goes away, but it helps to remember that our family is always there for us, even if just in the spirit.