To the entitled generation,
I have watched you grow up. You are my younger siblings. The kids I babysat. The teammates I have mentored. Our Western culture has classified us into generation categories. I am Generation Y, otherwise known as a millennial (1980-1995), and most of you are Generation Z (1996-2010). Now, the earlier generations might argue that every generation following theirs is entitled or juvenile simply because we didn't walk to school up hill both ways, but personally, I have seen more privilege and impoliteness in Generation Z than any other. Maybe it's my old soul or maybe I am biased, but I think your generation is in for a rude awakening when you all enter adulthood. I am not trying to belittle you all and I am not trying to make you feel bad about yourselves. I am simply trying to open your eyes.
The oldest member of your generation is only twenty. A lot of twenty year olds have made a life for themselves. They started "adulting" when they realized that it was time to stop relying on their parents. These aren't the people I am trying to reach. I am trying to impact the adolescents. The ones who have brand new iPhones before they even graduate elementary school, and the ones who wear more makeup than I own. The little girls who look up to women like Kylie Jenner rather than Rosie the riveter or Rosa Parks. The ones who expect to be rewarded when they have done nothing to deserve it.
I see it every day. I see it in my own family. I hear about the constant attitude from my sister accompanied by her constant complaining. "I want this." "Why can't we do this?" "All my friends have this." Blah blah blah. If there is one thing that I could teach all of my siblings, it is that life doesn't get handed to you. If you want something, you have to make it happen. You have to work hard. You have to earn it. I understand that finding your place in the world is hard. It feels like you need to know right away. But scrambling to fit in leaves you no opportunity to stand out. And I think that's what it is about this generation. You are all so eager to coincide with one another that you follow each other blindly. Oh, it's funny to be disrespectful? Guess we should all do that. Oh, my friend got a pony for Christmas. I obviously need one in order to be as cool as her—It is time to wake up.
My hope for you all is to realize sooner than later that there is no award for just living. You should't demand anything until you understand what it is like to work for it. You are growing up in a world of opportunity and change. Take advantage of that. Do not become a generation known for their entitled attitudes and lack of drive. Become a generation of thinkers and doers. Innovate, create, and explore what this world has to offer. And most of all, do not be afraid to stand out.