To The Dreams That Go Forgotten | The Odyssey Online
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To The Dreams That Go Forgotten

A message to the dreams and goals that go undone.

To The Dreams That Go Forgotten

We have all had them. Those ideas and dreams that are so important to us, but after an amount of time, they fade away. One example being when you were a kid and when asked what your profession in life was going to be, you would reply with one thing and a while later you would reply with a whole completely different one. For me, I went from wanting to be a police officer, to a writer, then it was to a psychiatrist, and now, to be honest, I have no idea what I really want to do. However, that's okay. One doesn't have to decide what they want to do in life right off the bat, and if you do find what really want to early on, then that's great as well.

When I look and remember how I used to try and figure out what I really wanted to with my life as a child, I never really focused on the interest. To clarify, I never picked an occupation that seemed cool to me at the time. For example, the police officer. Some would say, when they were kids, that being a police officer let you help catch the bad guys. Kind of like a super hero. However, for me, I wanted to be an officer of the law because I would be able to help people and keep the world I live in safe.

What I see through all of this is that this idea of trying to find what you want to do is a way in which someone can look into themselves and try to figure out who they are as a person. What are their morals? Their beliefs? Their personalities in general? Through this, a person is able to figure out who they are and be able to determine what they want to do in life. Not because it seems cool or there is a lot of money involved, but because that occupation speaks to them and they know in their heart that this is what they should be doing.

Now, this just doesn't apply to dreams of occupations, but also to that of goals, among other things. We all have a bucket list, even if we haven't have written it down. For some, that bucket list could include getting a college degree, so they can get a job and be able to provide for their future family. For others, it may be to climb Mount Everest or get over their fear of snakes or spiders. No matter what it is, sometimes life can throw us a curve ball and what we had planned can no longer be done and our life is thrown in a different direction. However, that does not mean that we have to forget about those dreams just because of circumstance. Even if it is years later, you can still climb Mount Everest, still get that degree, and anything that you set your mind to.

Dreams and goals are something that everyone should have and they are important for everyone. They allow you to find out about yourself and learn from new experiences. So, those dreams that you have always wanted to accomplish, go out and complete them and be able to tell yourself that you did something that you have always wanted to do.

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