Dear ____,
It's unfortunate that you won't wake up and realize who should be first in your life. I may not be your biological daughter, but I'm still your little girl. You've raised me since I was a baby, you're all I know as a father and I'm grateful for that.
But, you don't make the best choices. From the moment your relationship started 11 years ago, you've picked your girlfriend over me even if you don't realize it. If you didn't pick her over me you would've been able to see me whenever you wanted, but you lost that privilege when you started dating her.
It hurts that someone who is supposed to be your little girl isn't the first choice in your life. When I was younger, I was your priority but over the years I've lost that status. You stopped defending me, you stopped making me feel important. You stopped making me feel like I was your little girl.
I understand that I am older but that doesn't mean I suddenly stop being a priority in your life. It doesn't mean that I stop being your little girl. I've lived a life of hurt and you're one of the people who has hurt me.
It hurts that you don't defend me. It hurts that I am forced to take everything your girlfriend says with a grain of salt. It hurts that sometimes you don't acknowledge to people that I am your daughter. A piece of paper isn't needed to consider me your daughter.
You easily go weeks without talking to me, you ignore my phone calls, you make me feel unwanted. I'm wanted by everyone else but you. Eventually, I will learn that I can't be the only one putting in the effort. My mom and father by law, the man who wanted me enough to adopt me and consider me his own, are the only parents I need.
They've been by my side through my ups and downs, constantly supporting me whereas you haven't. You've missed several moments in my life. You may have physically been at my high school graduation, but we weren't on speaking terms so you should've just stayed home. You picked your girlfriend over me the day I had my graduation party. You weren't there to spend time with your own friends or family.
I'm sorry that you haven't picked me over your girlfriend. I'm sorry that you haven't defended me. At the end of the day, you'll be the one to regret it. You're the one missing out on things in my life. You force me to take whatever your girlfriend throws at me.
I hope you start making your daughter a priority over your girlfriend.