To The Dad That Deserves 365 Father's Days | The Odyssey Online
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To The Dad That Deserves 365 Father's Days

Dad, you deserve every day.

To The Dad That Deserves 365 Father's Days
Kylie Tuttle

Dads have a special place in our hearts. They are the ones who are our biggest encouragers, primary motivators, and favorite jokesters (even though we don't like to admit it). We love them more than the world and sometimes we may seem to fall short of showing them our appreciation. Here's a few things that our dad's do that run deep in traditions, pull on our heartstrings, and flat-out make us laugh hysterically. Here's to you, dad.

1. Dancing on your feet.

Dad, some of my favorite memories are dancing on your feet around the living room. Now that I'm older, I know that you were probably exhausted and all you wanted was to sit down and relax. Instead, you let me crush your toes and parade you around the living room. Thank you.

2. Singing "What a Wonderful World" with me.

I have deep-rooted memories of you driving me to elementary school and playing this song in the car. Whether it be the Louis Armstrong version or the Israel Kamakawiwo'ole version, it is a constant reminder of a time that I cherished with you. After going to college, I have realized that many of my friends also share the same bond with their dads over this song. Thank you.

3. Being the pushover parent.

Every time mom said no, you said yes. Thank you.

4. "Hey dad, I'm hungry."..."Hey hungry, I'm dad."

How many times have I heard this one? Too many to count. Every time I say "Hey dad, I'm hungry," I catch myself a little too late and I already know what's coming next. But it's just as funny every time. Thank you.

5. Scratching your back on the door frame like a bear does on a tree.

Although the paint has basically rubbed off of the door frame, I still love you. You never fail to entertain me, dad. Thank you.

6. Nagging about car maintenance.

Probably the most frequent thing you ask me about is my car and how it's running. "How's your oil?" is a common phrase of yours for every phone call. Somehow my car is still running thanks to you. Thank you.

7. Answering every phone call with "yello?"

I have never understood this one. Your incapability to pronounce the "h" in "hello" intrigues me. However, I love when you answer my phone calls with this bright color. Thank you.

8. Brushing your little girl's hair.

One of my favorite memories is getting ready for bed and running to you with the hairbrush. Dad, you were the most gentle hairstylist I have ever had. Thank you.

9. "Pull my finger."

Why do you always do this? No, thank you.

10. Always encouraging me no matter how dumb by passion is.

Kids have a lot of crazy ambitions. "Can I build a zip line in the backyard dad?" You helped me. (You did it...) "Dad, check out this pie I made!" You ate it like it was actually good. "Dad, do you think I can drive right now?" You put your 8-year-old daughter behind the wheel on a dirt road and let her drive. Thank you.

So, dad, thank you for everything you've ever done. Whether it be intentional or not, every moment, every quirk, and every life lesson I am thankful for. Thank you.

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