To The Confused And Discouraged | The Odyssey Online
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To The Confused And Discouraged

If you are a confused college kid not knowing what to do with your life, or an adult not knowing which direction to go, this is for you.

To The Confused And Discouraged
Addison Losornio

If you are a confused college kid, not knowing what to major in, what job to take, whether to do an internship, or to even finish then this is for you. If you are an adult, not knowing what direction to go in, this is for you, too.

Confusion. It is something that comes with the college experience. Step one of adulthood. It all goes hand-in-hand.

You start off in a panic, not sure what school to choose. Then you finally decide on a school and you have to pick a major. What major you pick basically lays the foundation for your entire career future, so naturally that is terrifying. Once you pick a major, you pick classes, roommates, professors, a job, organizations, summer internships, study abroad trips. The list goes on and on.

Confusion. It is what all of that leads to.

When I entered college, I was lucky enough to know exactly what degree I wanted to pursue. I knew that pursuing anything other than biology would result in disinterest and no motivation to continue. College is hard, biology is hard, but I love it so I knew that was what I wanted to do. However, my confidence in my major choice was about where my lack of confusion ended.

In my tenure in college, I have experienced rough semesters, tough classes, days of homework, hours of labs, and frustrating professors. I get discouraged and I get confused as to why I continue to put myself through this torture. I consistently find myself asking, "Is all of this work, lack of sleep, and stress actually worth it in the end?" I get upset because nothing seems to be going the way I think it should. I get confused.

I have to remind myself that when God doesn't move the mountains I need him to move, I will trust in him because he has my plans set ahead of me. I would prefer the easy road, between the moved mountains, but sometimes God's plan requires me to take the hard road. Maybe because I need to see something differently than I would if I were to have it easy, maybe it teaches me something, or maybe it is so I encounter something that I can carry with me and utilize later on in life. When God doesn't move the mountains that I need him to move, I will trust in him.

When God doesn't part the waters that I wish I could walk through, I have to trust that I will not be led astray. I trust that even though it isn't what I want at the moment, God has a higher purpose and he will provide my protection. He will lead me to areas I could have never found on my own and he will use me in ways that I could never have imagined on my own. When God doesn't part the waters, that I wish I could walk through, I will trust in him.

When God doesn't give the answers when I cry out to him, I have to listen and trust that everything will work out. Having just completed my second year of college, I have learned that it confusion is inevitable. I pray and seek wisdom but sometimes it is not given to me as clearly as I wish it would be. Picking a college was especially difficult for me. I struggled with the decision because I never felt as if God clearly said that Rogers State was right for me. I got mad and frustrated and confused. I didn't understand why he wouldn't just tell me where I was supposed to go. Eventually, I got an answer. It wasn't one that I wanted, but I trusted. I trusted that God wanted me at Rogers State for some reason. When God didn't give the answers when I cried out, I trusted in him.

At first, there were mountains that I wanted moved, there were waters I wish I could have walked through. Now, two years into this, I realize that if I wouldn't have trusted God's plan for me, I wouldn't be where I am. Things wouldn't have fallen into place like they have for me. I would have potentially missed out on some of the greatest things I have ever experienced. If I wouldn't have blindly trusted, my life would be exceptionally different and I would not be happy with myself.

So through the confusion and frustration, you must trust. Trust in a God that is your strength and comfort, who sees the days before you, and whose plan is always good. Sometimes you may feel like you are being left in the dark, but that is when you must remember that he is the light. Trust in the light to guide you through, and confusion will subside.

"God is light; in him there is no darkness at all." 1 John 1:5

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