To the college senior with no job lined up for after college,
It will be okay. I know that it seems like all those years of college have been a waste, and you've been lied to, but that really isn't the case. You're not stupid or unintelligent. You're not an idiot or behind. You're just living your life the way that fits you and you don't have to have a job straight out of college to be successful. Don't let others put you down and make you think you wasted your life; you didn't. You're awesome, and everything WILL fall into place. Don't get discouraged. Sometimes it's better to wait until you find the perfect first adult job before you settle for less than what you wanted or deserve.
How do I know it will be okay? I've been there, or more so, I am there right now. I graduated college one year ago today. I told myself that I would find a job right after graduation and I would be set for life. That didn't happen. I'm still working at the same job I worked at before I came to college, making less pay that I want, and honestly, I'm not upset. I've went on job interviews, but none of the jobs have really been what I wanted. I've been down about it, and I've felt like a failure, but at the end of the day, I'd rather wait to find a job that I am going to be happy at, using the degree I worked so hard for, than to just settle for any job just because they offer me money.
Keep your head up, and keep working hard, because it will all pay off in the end. Maybe not tomorrow, or right after graduation, but some day.
Someone in your shoes