Everyone knows that Finals Week is one of the most stressful times in any college student's life. This week is filled with lots of papers, presentations, exams, stress, and tears. And sleep during this week is almost non-existent. College students dread the arrival of Finals Week, but there is nothing we can do to escape it.
To the college kid currently suffering through Finals Week, here are some things for you to remember.
1. This week will end!
All bad things must come to an end, and finals week is not an exception. While it is an absolute misery, it will soon be over, and you will be enjoying a few weeks off and celebrating the holidays! You're almost there!
2. It will be okay!
I know it's crazy, and you've never been more stressed in your life, but you will be okay! You will make it through, and one day, you will get to sleep again. You can do it!
3. Your GPA does not define you!
I know, I know, everyone says this. Grades are so important, and it's great that you care so much. But, some classes are HARD and it is okay to be less than perfect. Don't let three numbers define you. You will get your degree, and guess what? Your GPA is nowhere to be found on it. Do your best, it's all you can do!
4. This is worth it!
All of your hard work will pay off one day. Once you finally get to walk across that stage to receive your degree, you will be so proud of yourself and everything that you've accomplished. You are getting an education that the majority of the world isn't able to get, and you are killing it!
5. You are doing something you love!
In a couple of years, you will be out in the world, doing what you love. Unfortunately, we have to go to school forever to learn exactly how to do that thing. I know learning about it and doing it are so completely different, but you'll be glad you did it! Just be patient, soon you'll be out changing the world!
6. Take care of yourself!
Make sure you are eating enough and sleeping enough! I know it's so easy to get sucked into homework and papers and everything else that you have to do, but your health comes first. Don't forget to shower!
7. You're not alone!
Bad news? Finals Week. Good news? Everyone else knows what you're going through! You are not alone in this. So, if you need to cry over a pint of ice cream because that one teacher decided to make the final cumulative, there is someone out there that knows how you feel!
8. Do what you need to do to make it!
This week is about you. You do what you need to do to make it. You need to take 5 naps a day so you don't have a mental breakdown? Awesome, you do that. You need to stress eat all day, every day? Cool! Just remember that calories are still real! Need to avoid people so that you can get everything done? Your friends will understand. Do what you need to do, you got this!