Writing this to all to all the girls who let a guy take their life down the shitter with them. You know who you are, and this one’s for you.
First off — listen, boys, I get it. We’re in college, so so many of you don’t want any kind of serious relationship right now. I totally get it, I honestly totally feel it, and it’s a huuuuuge trend; however, don’t pull a girl into whatever messy and confused situation is going on in your head right now. Don’t keep a girl on the hook because you “like her, but it’s complicated.” It’s just not fair to her unless you have some kind of deal where you’re both fully aware of what’s going on (read: technically, absolutely nothing), just don’t do it.
And to these girls. Wake up. You are anywhere from what, 18-23 probably? Why are you letting your life turn into chaos because of a boy? Literally, just have fun being single and figuring out who you are because that’s what these years are for. Like, seriously, it’s totally socially acceptable to be single, to have fun, and to go out 4/7 nights of the week right now. Unfortunately, though, once you hit the real world, I don’t really think that’s gonna fly. So why not take advantage of this opportunity now? You’re so young, so have fun with yourself, by yourself, and for yourself. I’ll tell you right now I have some of the best nights when I’m just surrounded by all of my friends and do not worry about any boys. Why? Because I realized that this is my time to be me, and I’ve never been happier than after I made that realization, so please, to the girls I’m writing this to, realize that too.
Stop letting a confused, stupid boy, who probably isn’t half as great as you are, control your life. Don’t let your night be dictated by where said boy is or is not going to be. Don’t let the chance that he’ll come back to you stop you from starting to talk to someone new. Why are you worried that you might be off the market when he perchance decides to come back when he’s clearly not worried about the same thing? Why are you squashing potentially great opportunities for the pure chance of some idiot coming back? Don’t put yourself on hold because you think that there is a chance that he’ll start to like or miss you again. Overall, just don’t live your life for this boy. Because I’ll tell you right now, his head is probably a mess considering he has no idea what he wants, and all that’s gonna do is make your head one, too.
SEE ALSO:Don't Give Him Boyfriend Privileges If He's Not Your Boyfriend
If you find someone who truly makes you happy at the end of the day and maybe you just need a break, that’s fine, that’s a different story. But don’t mistake this for that. If a boy is worth your time and wants your time, he will be with you. There’s no beating around the bush on that one. If he wants you, he’ll come get you. Yes, some things are complicated for a while, and that’s okay, but you need to recognize the different between toxic and complicated and stop lying to yourself about it.
At the end of the day, please just wake up. You’re so young, I’ll say it again, stop letting this boy turn your life to chaos and go have fun and be yourself.
And if you’re stubborn and still wanna try, at least hear this: the best revenge is showing someone you can be happy without them.