In college when you’re so far from family, your closest friends become your greatest support system at school. You do so much together in such a short amount of time, and you grow so close so quickly, it’s as if you’ve all known each other for years. Late nights, early mornings, and everything in between are fun when we're together. Thank you, for everything.
Thank you for loving me, even though I’m usually late.
When we’re all doing something together, chances are we usually won’t be on time. Thanks for never 'openly' getting upset if we’re a little behind schedule.
Thank you for tolerating my random bursts of energy.
When it’s 3 a.m. and suddenly I am singing throwback songs, thanks for not judging me or my horribly off-key voice.
Thank you for always being down for food.
Never having to eat alone at the dining hall is a blessing. Nine times out of 10, someone will also be in the mood to go to late night. Thank you for supporting my addiction to ice cream.
Thank you for the quiet nights in, too.
When we’re all studying or just watching TV is where we make some of our best memories. Thank you for always hanging out, even if it’s just lounging in our sweatpants.
Thank you for all the adventures.
Hikes at the Res would not be the same without our crew. Late night drives, Panera runs, and impromptu shopping trips are so much fun with a full car and loud music.
Thank you for genuine laughter.
College has been crazy, and not always fun. With you all, I have been truly happy and I appreciate our friendship, and all our laughter.
College is a whirlwind of emotions, but these people have stuck by my side through everything. When I’m sad, I have someone to lean on and when I’m joyous, they’re smiling right next to me. Thank you to my friends, who I hope know just how much they all mean to me. You are my college family.