As a high school student, things begin to pile up. As a college student, things begin to overwhelm. As an adult, things begin to become too much. School, work, volunteering, scholarships, GPA, husband, church, young adult, ministering, rent, bills, perfect make-up, perfect hair, 8 hours of sleep, friends, family... The list could go on forever. This might not be your exact list, but I guarantee you can fill in the blanks. People greet us and ask us how we have been doing. What is your response? My response is usually one word... tired. These things are so tiring.
We constantly fill our schedules in hopes that one day we will succeed. We hope one day someone will look at us and recognize our hard work. We hope that we will find our true happiness in these things. Happiness in our great grades or the big paycheck. Someone might finally say something that causes the overwhelming stress to become worth it. But it never will be.
Our happiness cannot be found in these things. Our perfect contour or bouncy curls will not make us happy. The perfect amount of sleep will not make us happy. We may feel energized or ready to take on the next day but soon we will fall short and become low yet again.
Our happiness is found only in Jesus Christ. We cannot hope for happiness if we do not hope in Jesus Christ. This is not a message of if you believe in Jesus Christ you will have everything you have ever dreamed of and finally be happy. No. In the world, we think of happiness as goals achieved, money in the bank, big house, nice cars, or being looked up to. The problem with that is when we reach one point, we always have to make it to the next.
The happiness found in Jesus Christ is different. It is not a materialistic busyness. It is a rest at the feet of Jesus happiness. We find comfort and rest in Jesus Christ. We can trust in Him knowing that He is sovereign and ordains everything!
So when things begin to overwhelm you or when things become too much look to your creator, Jesus Christ. As christians, we serve a huge God and nothing ever becomes too much for Him.