To The Boy Who Didn't Put Her First,
Thank you.
You have probably taught her one of the most crucial lessons a girl can learn: self-worth. Because of you, she is able to recognize what she deserves and how she deserves to be treated. When she loves again it will be with care and with caution. She may be guarded, but in a sense, that's okay! She needs to be protective of her heart to avoid the same thing you did to her from happening again. She is so much stronger and wiser. She will find love again, but with someone that will never take her for granted.
She will not feel like a burden or an inconvenience every time she wants to see you. He will reciprocate all of the effort she puts into him. He will not make her feel like she's the one that's wrong whenever she feels like he's not communicating. He will make her feel like she is appreciated because that's all she's ever wanted to feel. He will surprise her in the many ways that he shows he is caring, compassionate, and hard working toward the relationship.
As for you,
You will find love again as well. However, this time, you will have a different approach. You will take care of the girl and make her feel like she's your world. The love will not feel like a one-way street. However, you will only be able to love like this after you realize the good you have lost. It will take some time, but you will eventually figure out what an important role she played in your life. All of the memories of the times that she put you first will come flooding back.
You may find you want her back, and maybe you will get another chance. In either case, your love will be different. You will feel a change and a need to do whatever it takes to make the girl happy. You will begin to accept that love is not easy, but it is worth all of the effort. You will learn to give as much as you take.
It didn't work out between you and the other girl, but it was all a learning experience. Maybe your life was a different situation back then and you didn't have "time" back then or maybe you just didn't notice that you were. Either way, when you come to realize your mistake, you will eventually come to the point of imagining a love that is more productive, not destructive. A love that is undeniable from both points of view.
It will take some time, but the girl that comes along that can make you love this hard will come soon enough. Trust me, she'll be worth the wait.
The Girl Who Wasn't Put First