Dear the boy whom I should have listened to,
You were right. About everything. I am not happy where I am at in my current relationship. I go day by day being constantly unhappy about a multiple of things and continue to remember everything you said to me.
You saw that I was not happy with my relationship. You saw that he was not treating me in the best of ways. You saw more things at that time (and it is still continuing), than I did. I kept telling myself that everything was okay and that everything would continue to be okay and that I was not hurting, that it was just a way of life. And the biggest thing, that I was okay. You saw all of these things that i was not able to see myself. Thank you.
I am currently going day by day just tolerating everything until I am able to leave in the near future. I have thought about things for quite a while now and have came to the conclusion that the only way to be happy is to leave this place to get away from it. It is the only way I can end any of it.
Maybe things would have been better if I listened to you then, however I don't believe I was ready in my thought process or for the rest when you pointed everything out to me. But I do, believe it or not, go day by day regretting I could and would have done something different.
I guess the point of this letter is to thank you. I thank you for opening my eyes and realizing what was in front of me. Thank you for making me smile and laugh when I needed it the most. I will never forget what you have said to me because it truly has made a difference.
My one last thought for you. I now hope you are happy where you are at in your life. All I can do now is wish you the best as you have continued to do for me. Thank you again.