Since I was 16 years old, you were always there. You were my one constant. No matter how many months went by where we didn't talk, you were still there at the drop of a hat. If I needed you, it was almost guaranteed that you'd pick up the phone before it would even hit the second ring.
I've watched you go from boy to man, Marine at that, and I could not be more proud of the things you've accomplished.
Throughout the last four years, I've watched you be in the happiest relationship. I was so ecstatic for you. You proposed and then got dumped brutally, because she couldn't handle you being in the military...but I was still there for you. When you needed help figuring out what to do because you wanted her more than anything, I was there to help. I was there with my shoulder ready to be cried upon.
I know these past 8 months have been hard for you, dealing with the break up and getting ready to deploy, but I still remained here regardless, waiting for you to open up.
I know we are not meant for each other and it has taken me a while to figure that out, but recently, it has become more clear that I need to start focusing on myself. I need to find a shoulder for me to cry on instead of being yours from 5 hours away.
This letter, though, is my goodbye. I have dedicated too much of my life to making sure you're okay and you're happy and it's time for me to focus on myself. I have found myself making constant attempts with you just to be shut out because you can't open up to me and now, it is my turn to be happy.
I will always, always, love you no matter what hurtful things you say to me or what things you throw my way, and I need you to know that. I need you to know that even if our paths never cross again, I am still here.