To the best friend that never left, you are my favorite person.
You live over three hours away, you are in a challenging program at school, you mentor, disciple, volunteer, work, and so much more... yet you always make time for me. Sure, it may be a quick text instead of our usual Skype dates but you still make the time.
I know that no matter what is going on in your life, you'll drop everything to comfort me, encourage me, pray for me, or just listen to me. You give up random weekends throughout the year to show me your city.
A friendship that started out with ice cream has led to so many years of memories and I'm forever grateful for that. For your prayers, encouraging words, Skype calls, podcast suggestions, sushi dates, trips to get ice cream, new hummus flavors to try, and so much more.
To the best friend that moved three hours away, you may not be here physically, but you never left. You have stuck by me in the midst of some of the hardest times in my life. You have been the one person I knew I could count on no matter what. You are the one that understands me when no one else does.
The story usually doesn't go the way it did for us. Normally when friends move off to college the relationship is lost. But that wasn't the case with us, the relationship grew stronger. So, to the best friend that moved away, thank you for never truly leaving. I am who I am, in large part, due to you.
Love you the way that Jen Hatmaker loves supper club.