Sometimes when I tell you how proud I am of you, I feel like you nod along because you think that for whatever reason I have to tell you this because you’re my best friend...That what I say is kind of like a mom telling their daughter that they’re beautiful. Even if the mom doesn’t think it, they tell their daughter that because they love them, and in a mom’s eyes, their kid will always be beautiful. I’m not your’re gorg. I’m your best friend, and I’m without a doubt justified in being proud of you for accomplishing all that you’ve managed to accomplish in only a short amount of time on this earth.
You’re probably still nodding along thinking I’m just being nice because I have to. But ask yourself, what’s not to be proud of?
Seriously, you’ve found a career that you’re passionate about, and you’re working your ass off to be the best one. The nights everyone else is out partying their lives away and making shitty decisions, you’re working hard-not just to pass your classes, but to have the highest grade or best GPA. You miss one or two questions on a test, and you ask yourself how you could have done better..Instead of looking around and seeing some kids were just happy to pass in the first place. You NEVER give yourself the credit that I know-you know-you deserve. So as a best friend-whether you believe me or not, it’s my job to remind you.
For the rest of your sweet, sweet life.
You are with someone that treats you with respect. Which basically means--you know your self worth. This is big. Look around, there aren’t many people today that know when to walk away, or even can for that matter. You recognize how you want to be treated, so you found someone who exceeds that. And to top it off, you treat him just as well as he treats you. Just when I thought you were the kindest person I knew, you found someone who was as equally kind and great. You didn’t just settle, but instead waited for greatness.
You’re selfless.
You put everyone else before you whenever you can. On top of the hectic life you’ve created for yourself, you manage to make sure you put the ones you love before you.. Whether that’s taking a break from the allnighters you’ve been pulling to study your ass off, to come home and work for a few days so you can buy the ones you love Christmas gifts...or if it’s taking the time to eat dinner with me to catch up-though you know you have other things you should be doing. You want to please everyone, even if that means putting yourself last.
You’re beautiful-inside and out.
You’re kind,
and Humble.
I have so many reasons to be proud of you, along with the rest of the world. I sometimes wonder how you don’t see it like I do, but I’ll remind you everyday for the rest of your life until you believe me,
cause I mean..
that’s what I’m here for.