You find an article you just need to share on Facebook, you click the share button and find yourself stuck on a caption. You want your friends and followers to know why you shared it, why this was so personal to you that you just HAD to click that button. The "F" word comes to mind. Do you type it out? Do you use the F***!?! Or do you come up with some hilarious new way to type our your favorite 4 letter word?
Personally, I type that shit right out. Considering the state of the United States, World War III on our heels and a tanorexic, narcissist as the leader of this country, we have bigger problems than dropping F bombs on social media. With anything we want to see at the click of our fingers or an HBO subscription, I think a lot of people are becoming desensitized to things they used to consider offensive. Sex scenes have become the norm yet so has political correctness. With the popularity of the internet and opinions literally being like assholes (everyone has one), what people are getting offended over has completely changed.
Although, swearing on social media does give me a little bit of anxiety and I wonder who might be looking at my post and not so much getting offended but thinking differently of me. There is a science to our social media posts and everyone has a reputation to uphold. I swear in my everyday life, why not on social media? Is there a certain standard that we are held up to on social media because of who might be lurking around our posts?
To swear or not to swear on social media. Thoughts?