Thanksgiving's upon us; and with it comes the time-honored traditions of getting together with loved ones, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade along with the football game, the iconic turkey dinner spread, and the all too common awkward interactions with your right-wing uncle. And with the fervent nature of this past election, there's a good chance that things can (and will) lead to a political debate arise from the holiday essence. And this will be something that I am prepared for. Along with that, I always have these few suggestions for the Thanksgiving holiday.
1. When Talking With Family, Focus on General Conversation
Do everything you can to keep away from making the conversation political. Instead, focus on some basic topics. Such as the weather, school/work, any recent events in someone's life, etc.
2. If Stuck in a Debate, Keep Calm and Explain Your Reasoning
Now I'm not gonna say that you can avoid getting entangled in one of these political debates. Now as a student at a liberal arts college, I try not to be painted in the predictable stereotypes. The best way to handle this to keep the facts you have organized and keep calm when presenting them.
3. If You Drink, Moderation is Key
Now in the event that you're at the legal drinking age, it will be tempting to turn to liquor for salvation. But at the end of the day, it will only do so well; it's just best to limit your drink and switch to something non-alcoholic if emotions are high.
4. Drown Out Tensions When Needed
This is a method that has seemed to work 50% of the time. The best methods come with listening to Pandora or YouTube. Other methods that work include Netflix (if you have access), writing, reading, or any other activity to seem busy.
5. Contact
This comes with not much of avoiding an unnecessary debate and more with the family insanity in general. Anytime it gets to be too much, try to reach out to any close friends and talk to them to curb any and all stress