How to Survive Finals Week
So it’s that time of the semester, the week that everyone loves. No one can escape the great pleasure it brings, and we all become such close friends because of this week. We all love it so much because this week is the week we become more social and more presentable… what am I saying? This week is terrible. That week is Finals week!!! So how to survive it? This will hopefully help you with your stress induced, hallucinated, sleep deprived, energy drink consuming self, survive the most dreaded week in college. Let’s begin: first take your books, now throw them in the trash. Okay, you done... just kidding don't do that.
Budget your time. Spend a couple hours or so on one subject or class. Depending on when the final is spend more time if needed. Spend more time on your first final, this will help you prepare for that final quicker and effectively. This will help you gain more confidence for the first one.
Take breaks. As soon as you get through I’d say the study guide of one final take a break. It’s not healthy for you to continuously go from one subject to the other without taking a break. Once you have studied enough for one class take a break of a maximum 20 minutes.
Get sleep. Once you are done for the day go to sleep. Sleep has been proven to help retain information you have learned and studied. Also sleep will help recharge your body to get you back up and running. So make sure you get enough sleep which is about 8 hours.
When you’re done with one final, just try to relax and realize that it is done. Take some time for yourself, don’t constantly put yourself under the pressure of studying because that will stress you out. Once you feel I have actually had enough time, start studying for the next one. It should be easier to study for because you have already looked over it and now it’s time look over it some more and start to grasp the material.
Listen to some calming music. Listening to music is said to be able to help you retain information as well. Even when you take breaks listen to music to help relax because you will be so over worked that you will need to relax.