To my camp family,
Four years ago, I showed up at Cresswell Dormitory with my father beside me. I was terrified to say the least. I had just finished my freshmen year of high school and had had my heart broken for the first time, the previous night. I was terrified. I walked through the doors and saw so many people. They were laughing, hugging, and some, yet there were few, were scared just like I was. I wasn't left to my thoughts long before I was enveloped into a hug from a stranger, later to find out her name was Jada. It. Was. Weird. Little did I know my world was about to be changed.
I had struggled throughout freshmen year as many do, with myself, my faith, and with my family, but you guys didn't know that. I was just "new," but I was also labeled "family" when I walked through the doors. I moved into my dorm, placed my pillow pet onto my bed and was about to say goodbye to my dad when my roommate walked in. My roommate, Abby, over the next four years became one of my best friends. I should publicly apologize to you Abby one last time for completely screwing up our talent show piece that year. Whoops, who knew my phone would die in the middle of me reading the lyrics to my verse?
My first year at camp was all it took. I came back for the next three years, but I will never forget my first year. The walks to the union, dance class (I was not prepared for an hour and half every morning), being serenaded to "Foxy" by Jimmy Hendrix (I still laugh), the jokes shared (LJJ), the friends I gained (MY DREAM TEAM), but most importantly the family I was invited into. I was like a fish in the sea wandering until I found a place that suited me and by chance I found Summer Scholars. I almost didn't go that year, but my mom slowly convinced me and thank God she did.
I just recently completed my fourth and final year as a camper at Summer Scholars, it was a hard year. My mom got diagnosed with cancer in May, and a lot happened within those three weeks of camp, but there was no other place I would have rather had been. I would go see my mom during the day and go back for practice at Mccomas at night. I got to go back to Cresswell for hugs and for group prayers. I was safe in my cocoon of family. I was OK.
Many don't truly understand the full power of a summer camp. They wont understand why I laugh every time I hear "Margaritaville" or why I wear a leather bracelet on my wrist, but to the ones who do, I am glad I found you.I hope everyone finds their place like I found mine. I got to go to my real home for three weeks the past four years and I pray I get to do it again. Summer Scholars did more than changed my life, it saved me. It has saved me from the darkest parts of the world and has shown me who I truly am. I am truly blessed to have found my "forever friends."
"Aqua", "Mrs. Styles", "Mom-Edith."