Dear single college girl,
If you are anything like me, sometimes you hate being single. You watch as most of your friends find people and you remain alone. It's tough, and many of your friends won't understand. They may even think you're being ridiculous. Of course, they love you and don't want you to feel left out, but you still will. They have someone to share life's moments with and you don't. Sometimes, I think that something is wrong with me. Something must be because no one wants to be with me.
But there's not.
The truth is, you'll find it. I know waiting sucks and I know you're tired of hearing that.
The perfect person for you will come around. But before you can find them, you have to love yourself; you have to be able to love yourself and who you are. You can't make someone else happy until you make yourself happy first. When you take care of you and are happy with you, that's when someone will come.
Sometimes, it's kind of better you get to see all your friends go through terrible relationships and good relationships. We get to see what works and what doesn't. Relationships are all about what both parties put into them. Being able to watch my friends go through great relationships and heartbreaks has shown me how to act in a relationship and how to demand to not only be treated but also how to treat your partner.
You are smart, beautiful and intelligent.
You are worth so much and never settle for anything less. Your person is coming. When you look at your friends who are happily in love, pay attention to how they act. You'll learn so much from them. Be happy with who you are, you'll actually be able to make someone else happy and always trust God because he will bring your (most of the time) happily ever after.
Another single college girl.