Dear Shitty Professors,
My name is Taylor, and I assume I speak for all the students who have been treated poorly by at least one professor during their time at college. I just want to know...
Why do you feel like you’re above your students? Is it because you’ve had more schooling? Or, because you’re older, and therefore ‘wiser’ and ‘smarter’? Is it because of your title as a professor, is superior to mine as a student? Or, because you hold all the power and we are supposed to kiss your ass?
I truthfully don’t understand. You made the conscious choice to dedicate your life to teaching students at the college level. Yet, you treat us like we don’t matter. You deduct points just to be a hard-ass and you are no help at all. You handout assignments and provide no assistance. You offer office hours where you talk in circles and act like we should just know what to do.
Some professors are amazing. They inspire you and drive you to be the best student you can be. However, you don’t. WHY? You ignorantly believe your class is the most important and it should come before all else. Newsflash: we have lives, too. Shitty professors have become a subcommunity on campus. Do you have meetings to discuss new ways to be an ass? In my last three years, I’ve had about four terrible professors. Each one horrible in their own uniquely shitty way.
First, you have the professor that expects you to know everything. And I mean everything. Every date, every definition of the same topic in five of your ten assigned books. They require the verbatim definition, or #sorrynotsorry, you get zero points on a thirty point question. And no, this isn’t what college is, that’s you just being a hard-ass, and that’s my PG version.
Or the professor that blindsides you with their absolute shittiness. The professor who acts all nice until it’s too late to drop, almost intentionally. The professor who gave you A’s on all assignments, until one day NO MORE! For instance, I just received a 0/50 on a business writing assignment because I forgot to put the date... I’m just going to leave that there.
Perhaps the greatest of all time is the professor who either teaches nothing in lectures or teaches a bunch of nonsense and tests you only on the book. I’m sorry, but why isn’t this an online class?
I desperately need to know, why are you the way you are?! If you hate your job, why are you working here? I would rather another professor who actually helps, and cares about their students.
My aggravation about shitty professors has brewed for about three years now. I think my frustration is reasonable. As hard-working students, why sabotage our grades? Why cause us to hate a subject because you never learned how to be a likable professor? Do us all a favor, and take your shittiness down a notch, or ten.
Taylor Kelly