For some, it has been seven or eight years and for others, it is only one week. It could have been as simple as making me laugh or as complex as an argument that lends itself to comradery. I have met a few in person for which I cherish but a lot have yet to know my face. Across the globe or next door, we continue to talk to this day and I am grateful for such an honor.
To my friends in Michigan, thank you for allowing me into the circle to hangout and play "Counter Strike". To my old roommate, thank you for introducing me to League of Lurdu... I mean "League of Legends". To my bud Aquadude in Ohio, thank you for spending countless hours playing Xbox without hesitation even with such a goldfish. Shadow, their is not enough time to say about how much we play together but I enjoy every second of it. To my manager, Sixyn, thank you for not firing me after hearing my trash talk over the comms. To the Canadian, thank you for not being from Canada and rather living right down the street. To all the people from BSU who have helped and befriending me along the way.
I want to say thank you.
Thank you for the hours spent past midnight full of good-times and laughter. Thank you for never taking a loss too seriously and be willing to bounce back. For improving my social life to the point where I can actually talk to people without insecurity. I could have never imagined for a better group of people to surround myself with. Most of you know more about me than people I see everyday simply because I enjoy you guys/gals a little bit more. It is at no time a dull moment when online talking to you ladies and gents. It is never a goodbye as so much as a BRB because I could not in this lifetime up and leave this social environment we have created. It has been more impactful to play and talk with you all than almost anything else in my life. Although the time is incomprehensible and ridiculous, I do not regret any second of it.
Maybe one day...
I will be as good at that game as you are. I will meet you in person at a gaming event; we could all go together! Even if not I will still be on for however many minutes or hours to play whenever we get a chance. I will actually stay on after someone has already proposed another game after I logged out.
Nevertheless, I hope to play with you soon and I cannot wait for our next adventure. Again, thank you for your great-times, well-timed jokes, hours of laughter, constant bickering, awkward silences, stupid grenades, hilarious inside jokes, and most of all, putting up with me. Without you, I would not be myself today and I thank you.