Hello, little country, little nation
You seem alone, rather scared
Why don't you come with me
There is much prosperity to be shared
Oh no, don't be upset, don't turn away
I have a solution
Let's foment
A little revolution
That's better, my new friend
Now, let me in
I have lots of foreign aid to lend
I will build your schools, elevate your people
Have some western cars and grain at a discount
I'll even share my fashion, too
See friend, together there's nothing we can't surmount
Watch as your people smile
As skyscrapers rise over the jungle, or the desert, or mountains
Or wherever it is you live
On the day of parade
When squares of soldiers march through downtown
As your flag waves from every available surface
My flag will be there, too
As your ministers set the budget
A group of men clouded by cigar smoke and numbers
My minister will be there, too
Reminding you not to fudge it
Your country is young, unbroken, undeveloped
And an abundance of a particular resource
Black, shining, bubbling in metal barrels
I require all of this, of course
With you, and others
I string out a chain
That I may be protected from nuclear pain
So, your soldiers must equip
With my latest guns, planes, and ships
Stay safe, and don’t go rogue
If that’s the case... rip.