If you could go back in time and give one form of advice to your 13-year-old self, what would it be? I sat down with a handful of people and curiously asked people what they would tell 13-year-old them if they could go back.
"Keep playing sports, stay athletic." - age 19
"Worry less about girls in high school and worry more about grades. You get distracted by life, you end up hanging out with your friends instead of studying. I ended up with less choices than I would have liked too." - age 20
"Come out of your shell more, people aren't as scary as you think they are." - age 20
"To never let the opinion's of someone make me want to change who I am." - age 20
"Don't worry about fitting in, be real and appreciate to love yourself and others who need it. Never be afraid to be different from others and stick to what you believe in." - age 26
"You will go on to do so much, you won't feel invisible forever" - age 20
"Sometimes it hurts letting friends go but you don't want to get mixed into the wrong crowd." - age 20
"Don't waste your youth growing up" - age 20
"Love yourself, your weight doesn't matter nearly as much as being a good person." - age 20
"Love yourself before trying to find someone. If you don't love you, how are they supposed too?" - age 20
"Oh wow. So much I could say to my sexually confused 13 year old self. There's nothing wrong with you. God doesn't hate you - the only thing twisting you up inside is fear. Be brave and embrace that you are different." - age 19
"Don't be in a hurry to grow up. Don't become obsessed over the big things that come later in life. Enjoy your youth time it goes by faster than you expect." - age 22
"Whatever you're going through right now won't be as bad in a month, a year, five years from now. It's a bad day, not a bad life." - age 20
" If you want something, don't wait for it to be handed to you and don't half ass it. It's all or nothing. You get what you give with everything you do and if it's worth 100%, give 110%." - age 21
"Be kind to everyone, you don't know how much a simple gesture can mean to someone, you don't know what their story is." - age 18
"Your bullies won't mean anything to you and you'll be able to get through anything life throws at you in the future." - age 20
"Try to see both sides of the story because sometimes you're not right , and you'll be an adult for over half of your life, so don't wish to be older. Enjoy not having responsibilities because that doesn't last long." - age 18
"Try harder." - age 21
"You are important." - age 21
"Listen to your parents." - age 19