Dear Me,
Happy 2019! A new year, a blank page. 2018 was so good to you! From spring breaking in Costa Rica, competing in your last dance competition, attending your last prom, dancing in your last recital, graduating high school, traveling to Los Angeles for the first time, moving into your college dorm, starting to teach your own dance classes, watching your sister get married, and finishing your first semester of college. Whew! What a year. As this new year begins you're setting all sorts of goals and aspirations for yourself. I'd like you to enforce a few different main ideas this year in hopes that you'll achieve all you want to do. Here they are...
1. Believe in yourselfÂ
Everyone is always saying to set attainable goals for yourself so you’re not disappointed etc. That’s great and all, but don’t be scared by your big goals and aspirations that are going to take lots of work. Dream big, believe you can and will do it, and work hard.
2. Stay focused
Keep everything in sight and always think about the bigger picture. Live in the moment as much as possible, but don’t forget to keep your eyes on what you really want by the end of the year.
3. Spread so much loveÂ
Be kinder than you’ve ever been. Keep a wide open mind, and love the people in your life endlessly. Make more people smile and never forget to be empathetic.
4. Live your best life
You only have one life, and who knows how many years.