Thank you.
I don't really know if I have ever quite said it before, but thank you.
Thank you for loving me.
You didn't have to, but you invested time in me. I was about to graduate, but you still made a point to take me in and love me with all you had.
Even now that I'm in college, you still love me, and I love that about you. You went from just being a leader to being a best friend in the blink of an eye.
Thank you for standing by me.
You came to my graduation and cheered me on, even though you had to sit ridiculously far up. You have remained such an important figure in my life to this day, and I'm so grateful for you.
Thank you for supporting me in all that I do.
You supported me going to a school a million (or 300) miles away. You supported me applying for Summer Staff and on my adventure at Lake Champion. You supported me when I told you I wanted to change my major and go on Staff. You're like a proud mom, and I love that about you.
Thank you for showing me what it means to truly love Jesus.
Your heart for Him is so big that it blows me away. You are so fully committed and you cling so desperately to the cross that it makes me want to love Him even more. You push me to be stronger in my faith because of yours.
Thank you for showing me what it means to love another person.
I'm a difficult gal, that's not really a secret, but you love me. You don't let me push you away, and you don't let me feel unloved for one second. You love me and you love the rest of your girls.
Even the simple way you love your fiancé blows me away. You are so all in with him, and I have been able to see that from day one when you two were just a couple of kids in love. You showed me what an actual Christ-driven relationship is and how to grow closer to Him through it all.
Thank you for having faith in me and believing in me and encouraging me to be the best person I could possibly be.
You force me to do things I don't want to because you love me and you want me to succeed. (Example no. 1: I don't think either of us will ever forget that one time you forced me up a mountain and let me complain about everything.) You know what's best for me, especially in terms of friendships and relationships.
Thank you for having little, but still giving everything.
You were a broke college kid, but you were always willing to go grab some queso with me after school or the occasional taco. There were more Mexican dates than I'm comfortable admitting to, but you were (and still are) ready to go at any time.
You made sure I was happy and satisfied and set in life whenever we went to do something and it's great.
Thank you for being you.
You are so full of light and love and an unending joy that makes me extremely happy. You are possibly one of the greatest people I have ever met in my entire life, and I love you so much.