Dear Mom,
Did you know that, on average, you meet about three new people a day? Assuming you do meet three new people daily, you will have met 23,010 people by the time you reach 21, which is how old I am.
And, Mom, did you know that I have met about 23,010 in my 21 years of life, and to this day there is no one I am happier to see, no one I’ve learned more from, and no one I need more than you?
I feel lucky every single day that I’m your daughter. I feel lucky that out of all of the other wonderful moms out there, I got you. I should tell you this more because one day a year just isn’t enough, but you are a truly inspiring person, a great mother, and an even better best friend.
Mom, there’s so much I have to thank you for, and that could take actual days, but I’ll try to make it short.
Thank you for your constant love and compassion. There’s no one I want more than you when I’m sick or feeling down. If we get in a pointless fight on the phone, I feel lost because you’re the person I’d normally call. Your ability to forgive is something I admire more than anything, and something I work on practicing every day. Along with that, there’s no one I want more than you when I’m happy or excited, because I want to share that good news with you. It’s so easy to see looking back that every decision you’ve made has been out of love and compassion for someone else, especially your kids.
Thank you for being supportive in ways that I couldn’t always see. I know now that you pushing me to do something I didn’t want to or you telling me you thought I was selling myself short was just you showing me the potential I didn’t know I had. Thanks for staying up late with me in high school while I studied and just wanted the company. Thanks for being at literally every competition, open house, play, parent-teacher conference, game, and any other event that I’ve had since elementary school. Seeing you there, just for support, always gave me that extra push.
Thank you for being my best friend. And thank you for teaching me to be a friend. Mom, you are one of the most fun people I know. Whether we are shopping till we drop, watching "House Hunters" in our pajamas, or just driving around town, we are always having fun. I look forward to talking to you every day and look forward even more to when I get to see you, because who doesn’t love seeing their best friend?
Mom, your hilarious quirks, your love for anything chocolate, your ability to literally always be right, and your infinite compassion are things I like to think I could someday possess (although I’m pretty much there on the love for chocolate). I know some days you’re stressed, but I want to tell you, you are doing a great job. You are the best mom in the world, and you make everything you do look easy. I hope you have a happy Mother’s Day, and I hope you know that you deserve the world. Thanks for always being a great mom, I love you!