To my lovely weirdos,
This year has been quite the adventure to say the least. Since the beginning of the season, we have seen many people come and go, one coach becomes concussed (twice), another coach on the verge of a mental breakdown and limited water time in the spring just to name a few things. Despite all of that we always managed to have fun. Even during the bus rides that felt like they would never end, we found entertainment in each other. Whether it's a Hannah Montana sing along or trying to take a door off of its hinges we are always laughing.
Day in and day out you are on the water, in the erg room or in the weight room working your asses off. As a teammate you can't ask for much more than that. When we get in the boat I have no doubt that every single person is going to put their all into that race. You are constantly amazing me with your determination both athletically and academically. I am blown away by the things you guys are accomplishing.
With less than a week left to go in this season I just wanted to make sure you know how much I appreciate each and every single one of you. This year would have been drastically different if I had never met you guys and the thought of that makes me want to cringe a little.
With A10s and lots of crying in the near future
xoxo, Abigail