Hey you,
I've known you my entire life. I got you when I was born, or pretty close after that, I always forget. According to Mom, I used to suck on your nose as a sort of pacifier when I was a baby, so you could say that we're pretty close. You've always been there for me.
You were the one that I toted around the house and maybe on family outings, especially longer trips. You lent yourself as being not only a toy, but also a pillow if I wanted to lean my head on something. You were always up to playing games and feeding my imagination with the stories that I created. You always made the perfect sidekick to my grand missions. You were always there when I wanted to read a story or book and I was convinced you wanted to read them with me. You were my best friend.
As I grew older, you might not have been in the spotlight as much as you used to. I got different stuffed animals, they were cozy and were a wide variety of creatures, and let's face it, they were the new toy on the block so that made them exciting. But, as their "shininess" wore off, I always came back to you.
As I grew older, I might not have been interested to brag about my favorite stuffed animal, it was labeled "lame" to still have one (middle school is brutal, yo). But when I came home, you were still there to welcome me back into bed and guide me to sweet dreams. I started to not play with you as much, but I think that's OK, I had other sources of imaginative inspirations, so my mind was always churning out new ideas.
I started college and for a brief moment, I considered not taking you with me. But how could I not? You are part of my life and you've always been there for me in the big and small moments, it just wouldn't seem right if you weren't there with me.
You were there when my heart has been broken and you soaked up my tears with your fur. You have been there when I've been so stressed out and I just needed to hug something. You have been there for the good stuff too, but I just don't recognize you in that way. You are a tangible item that represents love. The love given to me by my parents, the love of my home and the reminder of how I've grown up and the adventures that I have had with you.
I've hardly spent more than a couple nights at a time without you by my side. Some nights you wouldn't be in my arms, but you were almost always there, almost like you were watching over me. Maybe that's why your eyes are always open, they are open because you always are watching over me and making sure that I'm OK.
Thank you for always being there for me, I hope that's the way it stays for a long time.
Love always.