Ever since the day that I received the dreaded news, I have thought about nothing except you and your beautiful smile that never failed to brighten my day. You were taken from us all too soon, but I guess the big man upstairs just needed you and your contagious laugh more. Even after all of these years, it still shocks me that you're actually gone, but what I have learned through it all is that yeah, life can definitely suck sometimes, but everything happens for a reason. Sometimes it can be harder to understand exactly why, but it always concludes with a light at the end of the tunnel.
Reflecting back on our memories, all I can do is smile because never once was there a dull moment nor a regret. I even remember all of the times that you would play games with me and how you would always let me win, so that you would avoid getting bopped in the head by my tiny baby hands. Those were the days, the days that I will cherish forever. All of those memories that we shared have helped make me the strongest version of myself that I can possibly be and that is what keeps me going.
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Since you have been gone, I have seen our family struggle through some of the toughest times and even surpass success in the best of times. I believe that you are the motivation that reminds us to live life with all that we have and to continue running, regardless of where the finish line may be. You are the light at the end of the tunnel that we all strive to reach and the gust of wind that continues to push us forward. You're basically full of metaphors that inspire us to simply live life with a positive attitude.
I hope you're relaxing in heaven with an ice-cold coke right now, because you deserve it. All of your hard work and love have reached large crowds of people who look up to you and respect you. I know you saw the amount of people who united in your remembrance, and if that doesn't make you proud of yourself then I truly don't know what else will. It's crazy how influential you were and have been and I hope to be the same throughout my own lifetime.
Most of the time I ask God, "Why you?", but then I remember that he needed the strongest, most humor-filled jokester that could complete any given task and that obviously was you. He is super lucky to have you and I find it comforting to know that I have someone looking down and always rooting me on. So from this day forward, I will live just as you have taught me to, and I will soak in every moment with my head held high until the moment that we can finally meet again.