To my soon-to-be Big,
First off, I want you to know that I already love you like crazy. I also want you to know that i am one of the most impatient people you’ve ever met, so these next two weeks better fly by. I am already going crazy!
I also want to say thank you. I already know you, even though I don’t know which of my lovely sisters you are, and I can’t wait for the long talks and late nights spent making memories. Thank you in advance for all of the times you’ll listen to me ramble on about this class, or that meeting, or this friend. I hope I don’t annoy you too much!
I also want to tell you a few things about me. I care deeply about basically everything, sometimes i even care too much. I am a super affectionate person. You’ll probably find out on reveal if you don’t already know! I never saw myself as a sorority girl, so you will definitely have to answer a TON of questions about what to wear, how early to be there, how fun this thing is going to be, and if I can borrow that t-shirt for this event.
You are going to change my life. Not only are you my Big now, you’ll always be my Big, and I can’t wait to see where this adventure leads us.
Here’s to the late nights studying and talking, the Netflix marathons, and REVEAL DAY (praying the next two weeks go by fast!). I can’t wait to run to your arms!
Love always,