People always get tired when I go somewhere and brag about you guys, people are probably tired of me writing about Greek life in general. It's something that has made such a huge impact on me in the best way possible since I accepted my bid a little over a year ago. So it's only fair that I express my love for my sisters in the most public way possible: writing yet another article about them. Except usually, I write about stereotypes and the definition of sisterhood or that I used to make fun of girls like me. I've never really sat down and poured my heart out about how freaking fantastic my sisters are.
Like all Greek Life articles, the idea came to me when I was sitting in the chapter room of my sorority's house wrapped up in a blanket with one of my sisters on my right showing me cute pictures of baby animals (come on guys, they're a guilty pleasure for all of us). It doesn't seem like much, but the moments like those are so content and there's something you can hold onto forever. It's moment like those where you're just relaxing and not worrying about the six paper long to do list that is waiting for you.
They just understand me. And that's saying a lot because I'm really freaking weird and they understand that. They understand that if I know a song in the middle of a department store, I'll start dancing the weirdest dance moves and belting the lyrics from the top of my lungs. They understand that I dab to get out of awkward situations - well actually I just dab in any situation. I'm loud and proud and they not only understand that but accept that. They love me for me.
We're a large group of girls, we know that not everyone is going to agree on something but the best part is that at the end of the day, someone will always post something positive in our group messages. I have never felt so much love or passion before in my entire life.
I won't lie, I was in a dark place when I joined. I was looking for a sisterhood for more reasons that someone else. I wanted someone to understand everything I was feeling, or to have the support I was so scared to find. I joined and instantly I felt this weight get lifted off my shoulder as I had over 60 girls guiding me through life and listening to my problems. They were genuine about it, they actually wanted to sit there and listen to my problems. They wanted to help.
I have never felt more loved in my entire life.
It's a weird thing, being in a sorority and everything. I try to be vocal about how Greek life isn't what the media portrays and that these girls you are in a sisterhood with are everything to you. Even if you have only gotten coffee once and maybe you're not the closest, they would still drop everything to come pick you up from somewhere at 2 in the morning (even if they're watching Netflix, that's true love right there).
There is so much I want to thank you for but I can never find the right words to say other than that I would not trade you guys in for the world, even when you make me want to pull my hair out. You guys are my home, my people. It's true what they say, that your sorority is your home away from home. I love you all and I'm so proud of each and every one of you, just always remember that. Because of you, I have found something I love doing, I have found my rocks and my support system. Because of you, I am home.