For my sisters, and every girl:
First of all, I always want you to know that you are beautiful. Just as you are. And I'm talking about so much more than a pretty face or hot body (although you are, of course, very pretty too). You are magnificent and the fact that everyone won't see it (and not everyone will) does not change your greatness. Don't let the opinions of people who don't see you as you are, an incredible being, change how you see yourself. Be confident.
More importantly than beautiful, though, you are powerful, I mean really, really powerful. You have world-changing power. You are capable of being everything that you dream of. You are capable of being more than you dream of.
Always remember that you will never have to change yourself for the right person. And don't. Don't change yourself for a "friend," because that's not real friendship. Don't change yourself for a boy because if you have to then he is not worth it. The right one will come and he will love you as you are. He will see all that you are and admire you completely. He will be proud to be with you as you are. Because you are incredible.
You are kind. Never ever stop being kind. (It's one of those things that gives you world-changing power)
You are good. Don't let bad situations or people change that.
I believe in you. (and I am not the only one)
You are loved. You are so, so, so loved. By me, by those around you, and by your Creator.
You matter, your life has worth, and you have so much to offer this world. You are full of talents, some yet to be discovered, that I can't wait to see you use.
I am inspired by you, you challenge me to be better, you push me to do more.
You make me a better person.
It is a genuine pleasure to watch you grow and to grow with you, to see you change, go through life, and deal with problems. I admire every obstacle that you overcome and am amazed by the ease with which you do so.
In the words of F. Scott Fitzgerald, "You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known—and even that is an understatement."
I look up to you and simultaneously strive to be an example for you. I am so lucky to know you and to be your friend, the fact that I get to call you my sister is just a huge bonus.
I cannot and do not want to imagine a life without you, your infectious laugh, bright smile, or reassuring hugs.
I am so thankful for you.
I am proud of you.
With much love,
Anna Christine