I strongly believe that people come into our lives for a reason. There so many things that we as human think we know, but in reality we don't. I thought I knew who I was, I thought I knew what standing up for myself meant, and I thought I knew how to live a fulfilling life. I was only about 17 years old, and all the things I thought I knew was wrong. You took me in when no one else wanted anything to do with me. You showed me the true meaning of love, life, happiness and friendship.
There are few things I want you to know. One of them being is that I am happy that you are happy. I'm thrilled that you have found the love of your life, and that you have little ones that love you as much as I do. You are an amazing mom, they are so lucky to have you. Thank you for turning me into a responsible adult. You have taught me so much from doing laundry to shooting my very first firearm.
Thank you for teaching me not to settle for anything but the best and showing me what true happiness really means. True happiness is the sun beating down on the days I did not want to get out of bed. Happiness was riding bareback after a rough day of school, it was sit down dinners because you knew what they meant to me.
I appreciate everything you have done for me and I appreciate that you are still in my life more then you will ever know. You have played almost every role in my life.. This is what I want you to know. Every struggle that has been coming my way I have been pushing throug because you taught me how to be a strong, independent person. I am taking the opportunity to travel the world because you taught me how to be less fearful. I am enjoying my life and making my own decision because my voice matters, along with my happiness.
Thank you for taking the time out of your life to be their for me when I needed you. This is what I want you to know. I will always be here for you, I promise to be there if their ever comes a day that you will need me. You will always be my sister.
yours truly
Rachel Nicole