This is an open letter to my sister.
I haven’t met you yet and I am not sure if I ever will. I know I did not have anything to do with you being given up for adoption. I don’t know you, but I want to get to know you. It sucks that we didn’t get to witness each other personally grow up. The fact that I have to watch you grow and mature through social media sucks. I just want you to know I love you and I do mean that. I haven’t seen you and I don’t know a lot about you other than the fact that you are my sister and you live in New Jersey. I see how beautiful you are and I wish I could just hug you and protect you from everything.
When I see your pictures I see how much you and I look alike. I see mom in you. I’m sorry she did not keep you. You deserve to be with your real (blood) family. You should know if you ever meet your blood family you should now some of our aunts and uncles fought to keep you. They did not want you to be given up for adoption. Some of our family wanted you to be around your stay with your relatives. Our parents had other plans, because of those plans you don’t know me or our amazing family. Now, understand this, our family has bigger problems within itself, but I don’t doubt that you would have felt loved.
Our parents aren’t together and they haven’t been in awhile and they probably wont ever be together. I do think they regret giving you up, but I can't and won't speak for them. I wish they never did, but you are there and I am here. We have different lives, have our own struggles, but I promise you this I am your big brother and I love you. I want you to know I miss you and I hope to one day meet you and be a part of your life. You deserve the best life has to offer. I pray that God will see that I am included in that.
Your big brother,
Desmond Vera