First of all, I love you all very much. You have all had a special place in my heart since the day each of you were born.
As your older sister, I have responsibilities that you do not. I know at some points you feel as though I am treated as the "princess," or the one that gets everything she wants, or even the favorite. But, I promise I am not. Dad and Mom love us all the same amount, and I just get to fulfill the role of the oldest. I am here to protect you, to help you, and to try to be the best role model.
It is not easy. I am the guinea pig of our family. I tried things as a little girl, and I try things as an adult. Younger years are not simple. Kids are mean and they do not care. Throughout elementary school, I vividly remember getting picked on for the clothes I wore. I was so nervous to go to school and every time I did, I would vomit and end up leaving. Fortunately, for all of you I made sure getting fun of was not an option. I made sure your clothes were "socially acceptable" (and I still do even if you do not notice), so that you would not feel the pain I did as a first grader.
Middle school is tough, there are even more bullies in that place. The oldest sibling is supposed to be the leader, and at some times I am. But, when it comes to social interactions and the way people think about me I am a follower, sorry guys. I remember in lunch I could barely speak because I was so afraid of saying something wrong or embarrassing. I carefully watched the way you interacted in social situations and you guys have me beat. I do not want you guys to be a follower, you all have courage and a drive in you to be a leader that I do not, and I envy that.
High school comes quick and ends fast. In a blink of an eye, you are a senior in the application process of applying to college. It is all up to you. When you get to this point do not worry everyone is scared. Take it from your older sister. I had no idea what I was doing. I struggled a lot in the process, but I ended up right where I needed to be. If at any point you need my help, I will always be there, even if it is a phone call. This is your life, and I know you do not like when I tell you what to do, but I will always help guide you.
The day you graduate I will secretly be a mess. I have watched you all grow into the people you are, and I could not be prouder. You are all different in your own way, but you all complete this family.
Your first steps onto your college campus are scary. You will probably get an average of four hours of sleep the night before your first class. You will want to burst into many tears when your first test grade comes back, and consider dropping out because you are so frustrated. I want to let you all know I have been in your position, and it will get easier. College is going to be some of the best years of your life. The friendships you make are long lasting, and you will leave with a degree to do something you love.
I guess what I want you to all understand is that it is not easy; being the oldest, the children in the middle or even the youngest. Everyone struggles, you will have ups and downs, but those struggles in your life make you the strongest, Trust your older sister she knows more than you think.