You came into my life as strangers (most of you, anyway), and you will remain in my life as family. I never imagined I'd form such important relationships with you, or that these relationships would impact my life so powerfully. You've changed my life in more ways than I could ever express through writing, but I'm going to give it my best shot.
I'm not even sure where to begin. I'll think I'll start by saying thank you.
Thank you for always being so kind. From the beginning, you've shown me unconditional love, even when I didn't deserve it.
Thank you for always having my back, and never leaving my side. You are loyal and consistent, and that is not easily found in the world.
Thank you for opening my eyes to new ways to think and live. It's so refreshing to be exposed to new ideas, insights and opinions. You're brilliant. Don't forget that.
Thank you for being hilarious. Honestly, you each have such different personalities, but you're each hilarious in your own ways. You cheer me up when I'm sad and make me laugh until my stomach hurts. What would life be without that?
Thank you for being honest. I know you will always be open and true with me, and this is invaluable.
Thank you for helping me through my darkest times in life. You've seen me at my lowest points. You were there for me when I needed you more than anything. You didn't let me push you away, even if I tried. I don't think you will ever understand how crucial you were to me during those times.
Thank you for always listening to me when I'm complaining about the same thing. Thank you for not expressing your annoyance when I know I sounded like a broken record.
Thank you for loving me even when I make poor decisions. Thank you for being patient with me and never judging me, even when you disagree with me. Thank you for never leaving me, even when I'm not listening to your advice and doing exactly what you advised against. I know when I make mistakes, you'll be there to catch me as I fall.
Thank you for staying up late with me, going on adventures with me and making the world exciting. Thank you for having heart-to-hearts with me into the early hours of the morning to talk about life, love and the future.
Thank you, most of all, for becoming some of my dearest friends, loved ones and favorite people.
I've been talking a lot about everything you do for me, and I don't want that to be the sole focus of this article. I want to express how incredible you are as human beings.
You're beautiful, intelligent and selfless. You're compassionate, witty, hilarious and empathetic. You're bold, confident and fearless. You're loving. You're perfectly imperfect. You're simply lovely.
I promise I mean this all from the bottom of my heart. I know I'm not always the best at verbalizing my appreciation for all five of you, but take my words for truth. I love you all so much.
Thank you for becoming the sisters I've always wanted. You're family to me.