Over the past few months, I didn’t think it was this possible to become so close with a group of girls. All the nights we’ve spent together crafting or just sitting around talking has meant more to me than you’ll ever know. I was always skeptical of how people could become family so quickly, but you guys have far surpassed my expectations.
Growing up as an only child has made me that much more appreciative to have the four of you as my sisters. I love you all more than words can explain and I can’t thank you enough for everything you do for me.
Whether it was giving me rides or just simple advice, you had my back whenever I needed you to. I wouldn’t have wanted to get through this process with anybody else standing by my side but all of you. I never knew how much I needed all of you in my life until now, and I can’t possibly picture my life without you.
I remember one of our first weeks, where all of us were taking our first pledge class picture and not being able to stop smiling. I knew from then on this was a forever thing. Since then we’ve eaten almost every meal together, and there’s never really moments during the day that one of us isn’t with the other. We are so unified as a group and I'm so happy to have you all in my life.
Thank you for always telling me I look good even when I’ve had a horrible day. Thank you for always being down to meet up for lunch or ever just sit together between classes when I'm bored. Thank you for making me laugh until I can’t breathe. But, out of all things, thank you for coming into my life and being the best people I know. I can’t wait to see where the rest of this journey takes us even outside of college.
It seems unreal that in just a few short days, we’ll all become initiated into the best sisterhood around. My college experience would not be the same without all of you and I wouldn’t want it any other way. It seemed like we instantly clicked practically overnight. Everyone’s personalities just seemed to fit together. We balanced each other out perfectly. We’ve already created so many memories together, and I look forward to what’s to come. I can’t express how happy I am to be one with you guys. I love you with my whole heart.