Everyone seems to be obsessed with the “best friend” title. Who’s your best friend? Can you only have one? What happens if you stop talking? What happens if you grow apart? How long do you need to know each other?
Well, I got news for you; your best friend can be absolutely whoever you want. You can know them for ten years or ten minutes. So here are a couple notes for mine.
Thank you for being weird with me. From Dan and Phil’s latest gaming video to the most recent musical on Broadway to tomorrow’s Friends marathon, we fangirl about everything. We always have something to talk about, and it can be the most personal, random, serious, or hysterical subject. There are tons of interests we also don’t have in common, yet you have introduced me to new fun.
Thank you for accepting me. Late night me, obnoxiously loud me, super busy me, heartbroken me. Honestly, life is busy, and you’ve been so supportive of everything I’m busy doing. You offer help in any way, and have figured out what I can’t after six hours staring at my laptop. You’ve been there to laugh, cry, comfort, and enjoy life with me.
Thank you for dreaming and scheming with me. We have big plans, and 2017 is already packed with adventure. We always know exactly what the other is thinking, and sometimes we even say it (or sing it) simultaneously. I can’t wait for Firefly, for this summer, and to see you achieve everything destined for you your senior year.
Thank you for sticking it out with me. Life doesn’t always go the way we want, and life is not fair. You came into my life at an exact point where I needed someone like you. You’ve been there through some of the most heartbreaking moments with me, and yet still encouraged me to keep going.
Thank you for your constant praise. I can always find you by my side, with suggestions and encouragement and compliments. Your out-of-the-blue comments make me feel proud of myself, and reassure me that I'm doing life right.
In short, you are the Phoebe Buffay to my Monica Geller, and I don’t know where I’d be without you. Probably lost in a field somewhere. Or up a tree, without your realness, wittiness, and weirdness that we share to keep me grounded. Just remember, I'll always be your Monica.