It's funny — as much as I hate getting older, I could never hate the insight that growing has given me regarding the people who have been there for me. Only a few know what has been going on in my family's lives for the past few months. I wish I wasn't writing this. With tears in my eyes, letting my fingers fly across the keys of my laptop, letting the feelings trickle out... Here it goes:
To my person battling cancer,
First thing's first — I love you in the most unconditional way possible. My life simply would not be the same without you in it. I am so glad that I get to be a part of your life. It may seem hard right now. You may be struggling with the news — just as I am — so here are a few things to remember.
On your weakest days,
You are the strongest. Look at the life behind you. Look forward towards the life ahead of you. You've been such a big part of the lives of the people around you. You've been a friend, a sibling, a parent, and a grandparent... You've simply been everything. You've climbed over obstacles, glided through the good times, and made it out of the bad. You are stronger than you know — stronger than any of us could have ever known until now.
When you want to cry,
I will be your shoulder. If you want to talk, I will be your ear. If you want to pretend that this is not the reality, I am here to help you forget for as long as I possibly can. I am not here to remind you of the things you might miss or the things you may not get to see happen. I am here to remind you that the person standing in front of you would not be the same without you.
When you want to laugh,
I will tell you the worst jokes you've ever heard. Hopefully, you'll laugh — we all know that I could never be a comedian. We will talk about all the silly things I did as a kid. We'll talk about the things that don't seem to make sense now. We will travel back in time together. You can tell me all the crazy things you did when you were younger and I'll soak it in.
When you want to give up,
I have no doubt in my mind that this is going to be hard — that this doesn't make sense, that you may be scared, and that you may want to give up. If you want to, I will be your hand to hold. Regardless of the choices you make, I will love you long after you're gone. Even then, I'll love you no less than I do right this minute. I will not think less of you. Remember that you are the strongest person I know. I have been truly blessed to have you by my side through the good and the bad.
And, lastly,
This does not define you. Cancer does not become who you are. You are still the same you that you have always been. I could not be more grateful to know you and to know that you will get through this, regardless of the difficulty.
I love you.
Now, always, forever... And oodles.