I believe God puts people in your life for many different reasons. Some are meant to leave and some to stay. At first you might be shocked or hurted because someone left your life with no reasoning at all, they just picked up and that was it, they were gone. The someone you thought was going to be there forever wasn’t, and that's okay. The ones that leave were never meant to stay, but maybe just to teach. Therefore, the ones that stay are truly the best blessings in life. And because of that I truly know who the people are in my life that will stay forever and for that I know god gave me the best of friends I will ever get to have.
I don’t think anyone can ever live without a group/individual by their side. These special people are so wonderful that it is so hard to explain why they mean so much to us. These people are the ones you can call at any time of the day and you know they will answer in less than a second. You know if you ever fall that they will be right by your side to pick up all the pieces that you can’t. These special people help us in life and I believe everyone deserves a person. When god puts these special people in your life I hope you cherish them as much as i cherish mine. They are the light at the end of the tunnel on a bad day and I know as long as I live that light will never die. You see this group of people that I speak are so beautifully unique. I have never met so many different personalities put into one and get along so well. I think because of that is why we are such a perfect bunch.
My person, is not just one, but 7. I am so fortunately blessed to have found 8 humans that have never left my side and support me through every battle I face in life. There is never a time I don't have someone there to listen. This group of eight will forever be the best thing that has ever happen to me. From road trips to the cabin to late nights at the lake, I will never forget our childhood together. I know that even with miles apart my people are there, and they are growing and meeting so many people that will soon realize how awesome they really are. My people will forever be my people even though they will make other friends that God will put there for them. But even with new faces, these eight familiar ones will forever be by my side and I can’t thank god enough for giving me them.
I hope as you read this article you call or text your person and tell them how appreciative you are of them. Because without best friends the world would be a pretty boring place.
So thank you god for picking me to have these amazing best friends. I know now that I will forever be loved by the ones that mean the most.