A Letter To My Parents
Dear mom & dad;
Thank you.
Because I do not say it enough.
Because you should know that your kindness doesn't go unnoticed.
Because I love you.
Thank you for everything you have done for me, and everything you continue to do everyday. Without you I wouldn't be the person I am today, and I strive to be more like both of you in many ways. Mom: I admire your strength, your intelligence, and your integrity. You are one of the most head-strong, independent, motivated, and organized people I know. I appreciate that you have never given up on me when there were many times I have given you reason to. I admire you for not only the amazing mother you are, but for being just as wonderful of a wife, sister, daughter, teacher, and friend. Dad: You have made the path to my future so much easier for me to walk upon. You give me motivation, and inspire me to do my best, not only for myself, but for you too. I know you want me to succeed, and I want to do that for the both of us. I have such a hard-working, kind, and loving person as my father, and I don't take that for granted. You are the glue that keeps this family together. You are the anchor of our ship, and I enjoy our time together so much.
I apologize for not realizing how important family was when I was younger. I'm sorry for yelling, and not cleaning my room. I'm sorry for fighting with my sisters and I'm sorry for always being late for school. I'm sorry for coloring on the walls and not sleeping through the night. I'm sorry for my teenage breakdowns, and for never finishing anything I started. Most importantly, I'm sorry that I can't spend every day with you.
You have shown me what life is, and what it should not be. I realize now that having 'strict' parents only meant you cared, and you were protecting me from the outside world. which you did for so long. But now it is time for me to take the world on by myself, and I will take every lesson you taught me on my journey.
So thank you both. For then, for now, and for the rest of our time together. You are my favorite people in this world, and I can't imagine my life without you. I appreciate every small act of kindness, every story, and every hug. You make my life full, and I hope to one day have a family of my own, that is just as beautiful as ours is.
I love you.
More than I have ever been able to say, more than words ever could say.
I love you.
For all that you are and all that you are not.
I love you.
To the moon & back..
I love you.